Contract Service for Bid:
Manure Removal at the Warren County Fairgrounds
Posted: 11/25/24
1. Removal of manure on a weekly schedule, agreed upon with Maintenance Manager
2. Average waste volume 200-300 cu yds per week
3. No minimum or maximum guaranteed yards/week.
4. Material becomes the property of the trucker when loaded onto the truck.
5. WCAS provides loaders and operators to load truck/dumpster
6. Four waste removal containers/trailers are recommended to remain on site for the maintenance team to load at their convenience. Please specify your process of pickup within the quote.
7. WCAS is to be billed by the trucker on the last day of each month and will be paid Net 30
Accepting bids for 12 month (1 year) contract
Sealed bids may be mailed to:
Warren County Agricultural Society
C/O Ben Combs
665 N Broadway
Lebanon, OH 45036
or brought to the office (665 N Broadway Lebanon, OH 45036) during office hours (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9am-3pm). All bids must be in a sealed envelope-Attn Ben Combs. All bids mailed or dropped off must be received by December 13th at 3pm.
Opening of bids will take place on December 16th at 7pm during a special board meeting. This is open to the public. No bids will be accepted electronically. No late bids will be accepted.