Media Contact: Melanie Heitzman
513- 596-8265
JULY 17TH- 22ND 2023
Cincinnati, OH - July 12th, 2023 - The Warren County Agricultural Society proudly presents the 2023 Warren County Fair, July 17th - 22nd at the historic Warren County Fairgrounds in Lebanon, OH. Conveniently nestled in the heart of downtown Lebanon, our venue of 94 acres is just minutes away from both I-71 and I-75- and will be jammed packed with 6 days of family friendly fun!
From nostalgic carnival rides and games, to 4-H projects and animal exhibits and shows, and nightly track events- you can’t go wrong with a day at the county fair.
Our beloved Fair guests will experience the coveted fair tradition dating back to 1850 with unmatched entertainment, including a Celebrity Hog Show and Pari-Mutuel Harness Racing Monday, Kids Day and Bull riding Tuesday, KOI Truck Drag Racing Wednesday, OMTPA Tractor Pull Thursday, Demolition Derby by BENT Promotions Friday, and the Monster Truck Show on Saturday. The lineup includes live music nightly, junior fair livestock and equine shows daily, open class exhibits, our famous Little Miss and Mister Warren County Fair Contest, and the Animal and Me Program.
Families will enjoy rides and games by Chicketti Family Amusements - now FREE with daily admission tickets. Rides include the ferris wheel, round up ride, sizzler, merry go round, fun slide, trabant casino ride, and so much more!
For our Fair Foodies ~ we offer a smorgasbord variety of your deep fried favorites- from funnel cakes, elephant ears, and corn dogs, to sizzling bourbon chicken - you won’t leave hungry! To wet - your- whistle, treat yourself to a freshly brewed sweet tea or refreshing lemonade shakeup! Our beer garden (also serving wine and wine slushies) will also be open each night through the week from 5pm- 11pm and from 12 noon - 11pm on Saturday!
New this year for 2023, we will have an ice cream social Tuesday, July 18th sponsored by Conger’s construction - where 700 fairgoers will enjoy Whit’s frozen custard FREE with admission. Also on Tuesday we will be doing a back - to- school backpack lottery - sponsored by Empresa La Madero. We will give away 100 total backpacks, stuffed with school supplies, just in time for back to school! Tuesday night guests can enjoy the exciting Bull Riding Show on the track - free with admission and VIP seats available for additional purchase. Friday, July 21st for the first time we will host a “Drink Beer Made Here” Craft Beer event in partnership with the Ohio Craft Brewers Association. Through the week we will also have FREE nightly dairy cow milking demonstrations open to the public!
About The Warren County Fair:
The Warren County Fair in Lebanon, Ohio, is an annual week-long event July 17th-22nd for the whole family to enjoy shows, 4-H junior livestock exhibits, rides, music, food, and entertainment. The Non-profit Warren County Agricultural Society operates the Fair. Since 1850, The fairgrounds - 94 acres with 26 barns, show arenas, and exhibit halls, including a new state-of-the-art event center in Lebanon - have been the home to this annual event.
665 North Broadway St., Lebanon, OH 45036 | (513) 932-2636 |
2023 Warren County Fair Information
Dates: July 17th -22nd , 2023
Hours: 8:00 AM - 11:00 PM daily
Kids 2 and under always FREE!
Monday- Thursday $12.00 General Admission - includes parking, rides, and infield events
Friday & Saturday : $ 15.00 General admission - includes parking, rides, and infield events
Week-Long Fair Pass: $35.00
Friday Derby Pit Pass $15.00
Saturday Monster Truck Rides: 10.00
Full Event Schedule:
Will there be a free senior day!